
Featured Works

Welcome to our wedding portfolio. These favourite images show you our creative style and how we capture the story of a wedding day. Throughout the rest of this page, you will see many of our recent favourite wedding photography images and at times, we’ll take time out to explain the back story or why we particularly love that particular wedding…

Paket pernikahan palembang di wyndham hotel jakabaring

Anya & Clement


Riri &

Farda & Eka

Salindris & Eko

Mayo & Seuteja

Dwi & Ramadhan

node wedding organizer palembang paket rumahan

Desy & August

Node Wedding Hotel Arista 2

So, You Want To Work With The Best?

We will make your dream wedding come into reality…

Node Wedding Organizer is recognized as Palembang’s top wedding planning and consulting service.